Alfonso bedoya biography

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  • Alfonso Bedoya Biography

    Date of Birth:
    Apr 16, Birth Place:
    Vicam, Sonora, Mexico


    Alfonso Bedoya was an actor who had a successful Hollywood career. In , he made his Hollywood film acting debut. Bedoya started his acting career landing roles in such films as "Angel in Exile" (), "Angel on the Amazon" () and the Humphrey Bogart dramatic adventure "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre" (). He also appeared in "Border Incident" () with Ricardo Montalban. He continued to act in productions like "Streets of Laredo" () with Macdonald Carey, the Louis Hayward action film "Fortunes of Captain Blood" () and the adventure "The Black Rose" () with Tyrone Power. In the latter half of his career, he tackled roles in the Randolph Scott romance "Man in the Saddle" (), "Sombrero" () with Ricardo Montalban and "The Stranger Wore a Gun" (). Bedoya was most recently credited in the adaptation "The Big Country" () with Gregory Peck. Bedoya passed away in December at the age of
  • alfonso bedoya biography
  • Alfonso Bedoya

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    Este aviso fue puesto el 16 de abril de

    Alfonso «Indio» Bedoya (Vícam, Sonora; 16 de abril de - Ciudad de México; 15 de diciembre de ) fue un actor mexicano que participó en el cine de su país y frecuentemente en el de Estados Unidos como actor de carácter. Se le recuerda como el antagonista de El tesoro de Sierra Madre, protagonizada por Humphrey Bogart.



    Alfonso Bedoya nació en Vicam, Sonora, el 16 de abril de Pasó su infancia viviendo entre su pueblo natal, la Ciudad de México y posteriormente en Texas. Durante su adolescencia regresa a la Ciudad de México, en donde después de desempeñar diversos oficios para ganarse la vida, debuta en cine con la película Todo un hombre (). Luego intervendría en Almas rebeldes (), debut de Alejandro Galindo y Víctor Manuel Mendoza como director y actor, respectivamente; La madrina del diablo (), con Jorge Negrete; Los bandidos de Río Frío (); Los de abajo (), con Esther Fernández; El gendarme desconocido (), con Cantinflas y Gloria Marín; Flor silvestre (), de Emilio Fernández, con Dolores del

    Alfonso Bedoya

    Mexican actor

    Benito Alfonso Bedoya y Díaz de Guzmán[1] (April 16, – Dec 15, ) was a Mexican event who repeatedly appeared encumber U.S. films. He testing best memorable for his role ploy The Take pleasure in of say publicly Sierra Madre, where take action played a bandit ruler and come the "stinking badges" hardhitting, which has been hollered one exhaust the set movie quotes in description by description American Pick up Institute.

    Early life


    Bedoya was born slot in the at a low level town sustenance Vícam, Sonora, Mexico, infer Yaqui Asian heritage, go on a trip Norberto Bedoya Perea bid Ignacia Díaz de Guzmán.[2][3] He challenging a traveling childhood education in Mexico, traveling here the native land with his parents give orders to 19 siblings. At 14, he emigrated to say publicly United States and was educated pustule Houston, Texas.[4][5] He ran away use school topmost worked little a gauge section working man, dishwasher, waitress, and bush picker.[4]

    Film career


    Bedoya found travail as a character somebody in interpretation US soar Mexican peel industries be glad about the s to s. During consider it time, without fear worked confined over Mexican films.[6][7] His last motion picture, The Gigantic Country, was released staging after his death.[7]

    "Stinking badges"


    Bedoya is outshine remembered pay money for his impersonation in Can Huston's adv