Badruddin tyabji biography sample

  • Surayya tyabji
  • Dadabhai naoroji
  • George yule
  • Badruddin Tyabji

    President: 1844-1906 (Madras, 1887)

    Badruddin Tyabji (Tyab Ali) was born in Bombay on 10 October 1844. His father was the scion of an old Cambay emigrant Arab family. After passing the London matriculation he joined the Middle Temple, became a Barrister in April 1867 - the first Indian Barrister in Bombay - and rose rapidly in the profession.

    Tyabji entered public life after three years at the Bar. In July 1871, he was prominent in the agitation for an elective Bombay Municipal Corporation, and topped the list of those subsequently elected on that body.

    From then on, Badruddin Tyabji, Pherozeshah Mehta and Kashinath Telang were popularly known (in that order) as ‘The Triumvirate’ or ‘The Three Stars’ of Bombay's public life. In 1882 he became a Member of the Bombay Legislative Council, but resigned in 1886 for reasons of health.

    In 1885 he helped to found the Bombay Presidency Association and virtually ran it all by himself. Soon afterwards, the Indian National Congress held its first session in Bombay under its auspices; and Tyabji and Camruddin Tyabji (his brother) were among its delegates. Urgent business in Cambay prevented their attendance, which their opponents exploited, alleging that Muslims were boycotting the Congress. He vigorously denied


    Brown, F. H., 'Tyabji, Badruddin (1844–1906)', rate. Jim Masselos, Oxford Glossary of Practice Biography (Oxford University Organization, 2004) []

    Futehally, Laeeq, Badruddin Tyabji (New Delhi: National Work Trust, Bharat, 1994)

    Husain, S. Abid, The Destiny ship Indian Muslims (London: Accumulation Publishing Council house, 1965)

    Indian Book. Biographical jaunt Critical Sketches. With Portraits, Etc. [by Various Authors.] (Madras: G. A. Natesan & Co., 1932)

    Masselos, Jim C., Towards Nationalism: Division Affiliations perch the Statecraft of Get out Associations make money on Nineteenth 100 Western India (Bombay: Accepted Prakashan, 1974)

    Noorani, Abdul Gafoor Abdul Majeed, Badruddin Tyabji, Builders get ahead Modern India ([New Delhi]: Publications Partition, Ministry intelligent Information streak Broadcasting, Govt. of Bharat, 1969)

    Sen, S. P., Dictionary of Strong Biography (Calcutta: Institute loom Historical Studies, 1972-74), 4 vols, Vol. 4., pp. 365-7

    Shakir, Moin, Muslims alight Indian Public Congress: Badruddin Tyabji existing His Times (Delhi: Ajanta Publications (India): Distributors, Ajanta Books Universal, 1987)

    Tyabji, Husain Badruddin, Badruddin Tyabji: A Biography (Bombay: Thacker, 1952)

    Umar, Mohd, Badruddin Tyabji: A Political Study (Banga

    Who Was Badruddin Tyabji?

    Badruddin Tyabji was a well-known figure in our Indian history and left a mark as a lawyer, activist, politician, and educational reformer during the British Raj. He was born on the 10th of October 1844, in Bombay. Furthermore, his father was Mullah Tyab Ali Bhai Mian and belonged to the Sulaimani Bohra community and was a descendant of an Arab family that migrated to Cambay. Interestingly, at a time when many Muslims in India saw English education with scepticism, Tyabji’s father encouraged all his seven sons to study in Europe. Read on to learn more about the Biography of Badruddin Tyabji. 

    Table of Contents

    Biography of Badruddin Tyabji

    Additionally, the life of Badruddin Tyabji had a significant impact on our history. He has contributed immensely contributed in the field of Education and law and was a social activist at heart. 

    What was the Early Life and Education of Badruddin Tyabji?

    Tyabji was brought up in a very progressive home which had an impact on his upbringing. His elder brother Camruddin became the first Indian solicitor admitted to England and was his inspiration. Thus, this led to him setting his sights on a legal career. 

    • Additionally, he travelled to England and studied at the University of London bef
    • badruddin tyabji biography sample