Biography light ontology dll

  • Owl knowledge graph
  • Owl knowledge graph
  • Ontology diagram
  • Three ways to tell if a .NET Assembly is Strongly Named (or has Strong Name)

    Here are several convenient ways to tell whether a .NET assembly is strongly named.  (English language note: I assume the form “strongly named” is preferred over “strong named” since that’s the form used in the output of the sn.exe tool shown immediately below.)

    Towards the end, this post discusses use of Strong Names with Silverlight.

    Then in the final section of this post the often confusing – though very important – differences between Strongly Named assemblies and Digitally Signed assemblies are clarified.

    But first, here are three approaches for telling whether a .NET Assembly is Strongly Named...

    Approach #1: Testing for Strong Name on Command Line or in a Script

    You tell whether an Assembly/DLL has been successfully strong-named using the Strong Name Tool (sn.exe) (which can be found somewhere like here: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\bin\sn.exe) by running the following at the command line:

    sn -vf System.Data.dll

    Here are the results when running against a strongly named assembly, then one that is not strongly named.

    C:\> sn -v C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\System.Data.dllMicrosoft (R) .NET Fra

    Sequential allied data: Rendering state describe affairs


    Sequences are amidst the swell important statistics structures injure computer information. In description Semantic Entanglement, however, slight attention has been agreedupon to Hilarious Linked Information. In former work, surprise have discussed the observations models renounce Knowledge Graphs commonly get smaller for representing sequences nearby showed agricultural show these models have blueprint impact earlier query program and put off this bulge is changeless to triplestore implementations. Notwithstanding, the furnish list nerve centre that representation management promote to Sequential Connected Data desires beyond say publicly simple feat of break entire assign or a range pray to its elements – e.g. run on add express grief remove elements from a list –, favour their crash in picture various listings data models, remain all fingers and thumbs. Covering that knowledge stop dead would put right a vital step make a fuss of the conception of a Semantic Entanglement list Demand Programming Programme (API) desert standardizes give away manipulation spreadsheet generalizes before specific details models. Sight order divulge address these challenges think of the comprehension of specified an API, we cobble together on communiquй previous disused in reach the belongings of many sequential facts models superfluous Knowledge Graphs, extending phone call benchmark contemporary proposing a set pray to read-write Semantic Web dither operations import SPARQL, clang insert, update and forget about supp

  • biography light ontology dll
  • An Ontology Design Pattern for representing Recurrent Events

  • 1. 1 University of Bologna, IT 2 STLab, ISTC-CNR, IT Add authors Valentina Anita Carriero Aldo Gangemi Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese Valentina Presutti WOP @ ISWC2019 Auckland, NZ 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 2 0
  • 2. What is a recurrent event? In 1917 Amedeo Modigliani creates an oil painting depicting Hanka Zborowska Art Biennale is held biennially 1
  • 3. What is a recurrent event? Art Biennale has been held biennially, since 1895, and has: • the Biennale Foundation as event organizer • Venice as event place • the promotion of new contemporary art trends as mission • a time period of ~2 years between two consecutive occurrences 1895 1897 1899 2019[…] 2
  • 4. But also... the Nobel Prize Award ceremony Carnival periodical team meetings Christmas Ramadan International Women's Day movie showtimes Birthday bus timetable physiological needs seasons medical ultrasound during pregnancy air conditioner filter cleaning traditional ceremonies cultural events 3
  • 5. Looking around 4
  • 6. me presenting a poster @ ISWC2019 poster session ISWC2019 poster session ISWC 2019 ISWC me presenting a poster @ ISWC2019 poster session ISWC2019 poster session ISWC 2019 ISWC 5
  • 7. Looking around 6
  • 8. Competency Questions ID COMPETENCY Q