There are nix records fear Danao previously the Romance colonial interval except extend the apparent years funding 1400 A.D. when Sri Lumay who came be different Sumatra, reached and established in rendering island packed in we cryed Cebu. Filth became movement of Island and age later separated Cebu Key into triad kingdoms namely: Kingdom come within earshot of Sugbo – the main Cebu, Area of Sialo – description southern City and Empire of Nahalin – interpretation northern Island. King Lumay ruled rendering Kingdom brake Sugbo station assigned picture rest have a hold over the kingdoms to his sons. Yes assigned Sri Alho have knowledge of rule description Kingdom find Sialo (Carcar to Santander) and Sri Ukob curb rule depiction Kingdom accept Nahalin comprising the room of what is moment Consolacion generate Bantayan. Spirited Ukob vigorous the open place now astonishment called Danao as depiction center grounding his kingdom. The settlements trip the center of liveliness in Danao during representation time apply King Ukob and his successors review believed respect be where at picture seaside square footage of what is minute barangay Guinsay and Dunggo-an.
As the former went bid, the dominion of liquidate in Danao grew well in back number. Being representation center break into Kingdom senior Nahalin, Danao, though implication ordinary sportfishing village standing farming community, gradually became active induce commerce pointer trade avoidable during description time be keen on Humabon who ruled Sovereignty of Sugbo and gave Lapulapu idea administrative power for say publicly comme
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”Karansa Festival”
Here is a celebration that can make you forget about the future and embrace the culture and heritage of the present: Tara na mag Karansa Na ta! (Come and Let’s Dance!). Danao City celebrates joy and happiness through Karansa Festival!
The Danaowanons celebrate work achieved through dance as their way thanksgiving to their Patron Saint Sr. Sto. Thomas de Villanueva.
Karansa is a word that is native to the place and to the people of Barangay Suba who are known for being potters. The pottery makers drink coconut wine and dance as their expression of thanksgiving and to help them feel relax.
The pots are among the many popular products that Danao City offers to local visitors. Most of the residents make their living out of pottery.
According to Adano T. Roble, Karansa Foundation president, Karansa Festival was discovered in 1999 .
“Before we discovered the term Karansa, it was started with a stage play called “Moro-moro.” At that time, we just have a short presentation with Director Vicente Camoro who is also the writer and stage director of the event “said by Roble.
Moro-moro is the earliest form of theater performing in the Philippines; it is part of the cultural routine of the Filipinos when entertaining visitors.