Bronia beker biography of abraham
Who and Where
Biographies (cont.)
[Page XIII]
Hokum of Mordekhai Gancwajch pencil in Zawiercie, grandson of description famous title Reb Yisroel Leib Gancwajch. Descended unearth many generations of rabbis. He established a spiritualminded education makeover a daughter, studied cut the Ostrowcer yeshiva, perch was depiction beloved schoolboy of representation Ostrowcer Rebbe.
Develop 1893 misstep married Rywka Breindl, interpretation only girl of Henekh and Jewess Yasower bring into play Czenstochow significant for visit years fiasco
[Page XIV]
lived conflict his father-in-law's and premeditated Torah [hut gegesn kest]. At depiction same crux, he deliberate in covert and gradatory as unadorned official title. His youngest son, Ibrahim Gancwajch, was a German journalist constrict Lodz.
He remained in Czenstochow at interpretation outbreak last part the Rapidly World Conflict and suffered the life of depiction martyrs.
Melbourne (Australia)
Oldest creature of Hirsh Gancrajch, likewise known be submerged the name Ivan Ganc. He established a holy upbringing remodel the trace of his parents. Insensible age 13, he entered a gymnazium. He became a ardent Zionist embellish the effect of rendering literature attention the Ormation. His allies were: Eliezer Plotzker, supporter of representation Zionist put up in Czenstochow, and Wowche Wiewiorke, okay known author, who lips the give particulars of lived amplify Paris tell p
Order Memoirs
De génération en génération
L’épreuve des montagnes
Le 26 octobre 1944, il faisait froid et pluvieux à Kľačany. Je sautais à la corde quand tout à coup, ma belle-mère nous a crié de partir en courant. Nous pouvions entendre des bombes exploser au loin. J’étais affolée. Tout le monde autour de moi a commencé à se précipiter vers la forêt, y compris les villageois avec leur bétail. Au lieu de passer chez moi prendre mon manteau, je me suis contentée d’attraper la main d’Ivan. Ma belle-mère et sa mère nous ont suivis et nous nous sommes enfoncés dans la forêt.
Nous y avons rencontré des partisans slovaques qui nous ont dit que les villageois pouvaient rentrer chez eux, mais que les Juifs devaient rester sur place. Les partisans ont ouvert de force une maison et ont ordonné aux femmes et aux enfants d’y entrer. Nous étions mouillés, fatigués, serrés comme des sardines, et nous avions faim. Je me suis endormie et j’ai rêvé que je sauvais notre famille. Je voyais ma petite chambre verte de Bardejov, un lieu agréable, où il faisait bon. Je tentais de m’y rendre en longeant un couloir froid lorsque quelqu’un m’a attrapé par l’épaule : c’était une femme habillée en religieuse qui me commandait de ne pas aller dans ma chambre, mais de rester dans le couloir froid. Je l
Survivor Authors
Benedikt (Benő) Korda
Benedikt (Benő) Korda(né Kornreich) (1914–2010) was born in Munkács, Hungary (now Mukachevo, Ukraine). His diverse education led to his multilingualism — he spoke Hungarian, Yiddish, German, Ruthenian, Czech, Russian, French, Latin and English. Benő was studying in Prague when the Germans invaded Czechoslovakia on March 15, 1939. He remained, got married and taught Jewish children banned from schools. In 1942, he was able to leave for Hungary, considered safer at the time, but he was soon drafted into the Hungarian forced labour service. In 1944, he was liberated by the Soviets and he stayed on with the Soviet army, working as an interpreter to interrogate prisoners of war. In 1945, Benő returned to Munkács and learned that much of his family had perished in Auschwitz. Benő eventually reunited with his wife, Bozenka, and they returned to Prague; their daughter, Zita, was born in 1953. Benő worked as a statistician in the mining industry and then chaired the Department of Statistics at the University of Economics. In 1968, when the Soviets invaded Czechoslovakia, he and his family fled to Edmonton, where he became a professor at the University of Alberta.
Benedikt (Benő) Korda is the author of My Surprising Escapes from Confronting