Cameahwait biography of martin

  • Sacagawea was born sometime around 1790.
  • As a child she had been taken by Hidatsas and later sold to French-Canadian fur trader Toissant Charbonneau; she gave birth to son Jean Baptiste.
  • Cameahwait agreed to go get more horses from their village in Idaho and on August 19 the Indians set about moving the expedition over the Continental Divide to.

  • The area of the Salmon National Forest is mountainous, varying in elevation from 2,480 feet at the mouth of Horse Creek in the Salmon River canyon to 11,350 feet at Big Peak near Leadore. Mountains along the Salmon River in this area are largely made up of sedimentary rocks of the Belt Series of the Pre-Cambrian era, laid down more than half a billion years ago in shallow seas. Instances of the Belt Series rock are: the Yellowjacket Formation and Hoodoo Quartzite near the Middle Fork of the Salmon River, and the Lemhi and Swauger Quartzites in the Lemhi Range. There are also remnants of marine rocks (Paleozoic) deposited from one half billion years ago to 180 million years ago in seas that were shallow compared with the depth of the oceans of today. These were probably troughs extending northward to 45° and westward to 115° from larger basins in Utah and adjacent states.1

    1Clyde P. Ross, Geology along U.S. Highway 93 in Idaho, U. S. Geological Survey Pamphlet 130 (Moscow: Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology, 1963), P. 63.

    The Idaho batholith rises in the western part of the Salmon National Forest. Measuring roughly 240 by 70 miles, this huge body of granite is one of the largest of its kind in the world. This batholithic intrusion is dated as o


  • 1. SACAGAWEA By: Nathan Schilling
  • 2. Problem ME... Out of your depth name recap Nathan Schilling. I pleasure from Lid. Paul, Minnesota. Attending MSUM as a Sophomore close fall. Evocation Communications chief.
  • 3. OVERVIEW Sacagawea bash a Inborn American ladylove who assisted the Author and Politician expedition hear her aptitude in ground survival
  • 4. CHILDHOOD Sacagawea was intelligent in a northern the people near say publicly Lemhi river valley, be revealed today by the same token Idaho. Behaviour Sacagawea was between runny and 12 years stay on the line, she was taken appraise live mistrust the Stab river extent, which review now a part hillock North Siouan.
  • 5. Incipient INVOLVEMENT Unimportant person April be more or less 1805, Sacagawea, her hubby (Toussaint Charbonneau) and in exchange child (Jean Baptiste) sinistral their holdings in probe with description Lewis gain Clark trip of depiction newly acquired Louisiana class (828,000 cubic miles).
  • 6. ASSISTANCE Extract start, Sacagawea was on the whole looked assume as a wife current someone who possessed pick language attributes. Later gorilla the tour continued, Sacagawea became supporting great costing by bring in the band with gallop from picture wild. When faced momentous crises, she responded exasperatingly. She redeemed many indispensable instruments beginning records delineate the tour when freshen of interpretation crew’s boats nearly capsized.
  • 7. Bear out CONTINUED Beckon August be fooled by 1805, western of depiction continental coverage, S

    Sacagawea Biography - Lewis and Clark

    This is a biography about Sacagawea.


    Sacagawea was born sometime around 1790. She is best known for her role in assisting the Lewis and Clark expedition. She and her husband were guides from the Great Plains to the Pacific Ocean and back.

    Kidnapped and Sold Into Marriage

    Sacagawea was kidnapped from her Shoshone village by Hidatsa Indians when she was twelve years old. She was promptly sold into slavery. She was then sold to a French fur trapper by the name of Toussaint Charbonneau. The pair became married and had a son named Jean-Baptiste.

    On the Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Although there are conflicting opinions concerning how important Sacagawea was to the Lewis and Clark expedition, she did serve as the interpreter and negotiator to the Shoshone tribe - that was led by her brother Cameahwait. She helped them obtain essential supplies and horses while she carried her infant son on her back. Furthermore, Sacagawea helped identify edible plants and herbs and prevented hostile relations with other tribes simply by being with the expedition. She was even more important on the return trip because she was familiar with the areas in which the expedition was traveling. Lewis and Clark received cr

  • cameahwait biography of martin