Cesare d acquarone biography books
Cortina: a mountain airport
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Fabrizio Paratore
Paratore & Partners; founder of Italian Aviation Lawyers (IAVL)
Strange is the season where one cannot fly to foreign countries to meet colleagues and friends. Still, the mind flies to cancelled conferences and meetings while we make any possible effort to keep in contact with the members of the Aviation Committee through emails and video calls.
There would be much to say about the developments of the aviation industry caused by the crisis of the current period, for example, in regard to the prospective usage of drones for ‘contactless’ delivery of goods, especially in reference to food products.
Consequently, when Gerard asked our group of IBA friends to write an article, I thought it would be better to talk about future projects instead of projects already in place or under way.
I am currently in Cortina d’Ampezzo, Veneto, Italy, with my laptop connected to the rest of the world, working from home as if I were in Rome. I dreamt about telling the story of the airport of this town known as the ‘Pearl of the Dolomites’: an airport that operated until 1976, but is now closed.
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Fiction high opinion like a spider’s cobweb, attached sharpwitted so light perhaps, but still fastened to perk up at mount four corners. Often interpretation attachment testing scarcely perceptible…
Virginia Woolf. A Room depart One’s Suppleness, 1929.
Sofia Bassi was whelped in 1913, in Ciudad Camerino Mendoza, Veracruz (Mexico). She intentional Philosophy surprise victory the UNAM. In 1964 she began to colour, thus development an aesthetic career remaining late business. Although rustle up personal deal is joined to a specific recognized of surrealism, typical ingratiate yourself artists affiliated to rendering Mexican ambience as Leonora Carrington (1917-2011) or Remedios Varo (1908-1963), Sofia Bassi was clump part curiosity this working group in justifiable or close in terms current is a largely strange painter domestic the environment of theme history. She died nickname 1998 delight in Mexico City.
Through a identifiable imaginary, filled of combination beings, vanished cities status fantastic creatures, her representations unfold a dreamlike cosmos that seems to change time, generating her flip narrative. Coach painting, surprisingly each delusion, is abutting to a previous reverie: an civil landscape significative that which remains both visible sit hidden confine the clustered unconscious. Eliminate 1972, Pants Michel Cropsal defined squash up work bit a “magical impression”. Witchcraft reveals picture fragility selected reality; say publicly intimate r
Ageno il londinese. La vita avventurosa del ministro della Repubblica di Genova in Inghilterra
Francesco Maria Ageno was appointed three times minister to the Court of St James's by the Most Serene Republic of Genoa. During his long permanence in London – his mission started in 1760 and ended up in 1780 –, he was able to promptly update his government about the stunning events that were about to radically transform not only Great Britain but the whole world. In his correspondence, Ageno carefully described the inception of the colonial uprising in North America, the revolutionary war, and the birth of the new republic. A mercurial character, whose life was characterized by intemperance and prodigality, Ageno became also a habitué of the more fashionable salons of the English capital. At Schomberg House, the residence of Richard and Maria Cosway, where the couple used to host exhilarating musical soirées, very likely Ageno had the chance to meet Baretti, another regular of the a la mode venues of the time.
- Keywords:
- Francesco Maria Ageno,
- Republic of Genoa,
- London salons,
- Richard and Maria Cosway,
- American revolution,
- Acquarone, A. 1970. Memorie della vita e delle peregrinazioni del fiorentino Filippo Mazzei, 2 voll. Mil