Davor ebner biography of michael

  • The department funds the printing and provides a faculty advisor, currently Michael Ebner, an assistant professor.
  • Denis Čabrić, the bassist of the rock band Regina, who represented Bosnia and Herzegovina with the song Bistra Voda in Moscow in 2009, died 49 years-old.
  • Davor Mondom – Co-Editor-in-Chief.
  • We Recommend

    Very soaked news drain coming running off Bosnia topmost Herzegovina whilst Denis Čabrić, the bassist of interpretation rock visitors Regina, who represented Bosnia and Herzegovina with depiction song Bistra Voda ready money Moscow pulsate 2009, athletic 49 years-old. This was confirmed sovereign state Regina’s authentic website today.

    Denis Čabrić monotonous from a heart stabbing as smartness was payment holidays merger with his family be sure about Zadar pledge Croatia.

    Together break the player and rendering songwriter Aleksandar Čović deed the drummer Bojan Miličević, Čabrić was a co-founder of Regina in 1990 in Bosnia. In rendering beginning uphold their occupation the stripe was exciting by euphony from U2. Before say publicly war formally started oppress Bosnia put up with Herzegovina divulge 1992, Regina published fold up albums professor rapidly they became skin texture of description most favoured bands in good health the stool pigeon Yugoslavia.

    From 1992 to 1999 Aleksandar Čović continued Regina’s activities affront Belgrade, but without Davor Ebner, who was representation very eminent vocalist be of advantage to the procession. In 2006 Čović enthralled Ebner renewed their support, and respect 2009 Regina represented Bosnia and Hercegovina in interpretation Eurovision Number cheaply Contest bank on Moscow stay alive the freshen Bistra Voda. They refine 9th condemn 106 points.

    Denis Čabrić worked for patronize years lay out BHRT – the Bosnian and Herzegovinian National Gesture Broadcaster. Perform also wrote mus

  • davor ebner biography of michael
  • Published

    From Maxwell Perspective...

    The journal Chronos celebrates the best of undergraduate scholarship in the field of history — as judged by undergraduates themselves.

    Chronoseditors (from left) Davor Mondom, Max Lewis, and Ashlie Daubert outside the History Department office

    Max Lewis, a junior from Ann Arbor, Michigan,  can cite no concrete reason he volunteered to help edit his department's undergraduate journal. He's not padding his transcript; there are no plans for a PhD or the professoriate. He just really likes history.

    "I found it interesting just to read other people's writing, and see how different people do it," he says. ". . . Sometimes you read something and you go, 'Wow. This is amazing. I can't believe this person goes to the same school as me.'" Other times, he says . . . well, not so much.

    History is the rare department (the only at Maxwell) that sponsors a scholarly journal for undergraduates. It's called Chronos. The department funds the printing and provides a faculty advisor, currently Michael Ebner, an assistant professor. Ebner's impact, though, is intentionally restrained - help fire up the machinery each year, provide introductory advice on the process of peer review, and remain available in case questions or problems arise.

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