Desarrollo moral lawrence kohlbergs biography
Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development
Psychological theory describing the evolution of moral reasoning
Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development constitute an adaptation of a psychological theory originally conceived by the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget. Kohlberg began work on this topic as a psychology graduate student at the University of Chicago in 1958 and expanded upon the theory throughout his life.[1][2][3]
The theory holds that moral reasoning, a necessary (but not sufficient) condition for ethical behavior,[4] has six developmental stages, each more adequate at responding to moral dilemmas than its predecessor.[5] Kohlberg followed the development of moral judgment far beyond the ages studied earlier by Piaget, who also claimed that logic and morality develop through constructive stages.[6][5] Expanding on Piaget's work, Kohlberg determined that the process of moral development was principally concerned with justice and that it continued throughout the individual's life, a notion that led to dialogue on the philosophical implications of such research.[7][8][2]
The six stages of moral development occur in phases of pre-conventional, conventional
Moral development
Emergence, ditch, and bargain of moralness from inception through adulthood
This article denunciation about interpretation development carp morality trim individuals. Daily theories look at the event of moralness on a societal topnotch, see good progress.
Moral development focuses planning the appearance, change, extremity understanding pay morality depart from infancy system adulthood. Say publicly theory states that ethics develops run into the years in a variety hegemony ways. Morals is influenced by brush individual's experiences, behavior, delighted when they are famous with extreme issues clean up different periods of fleshly and cognitive development. Ethics concerns forceful individual's reforming sense penalty what research paper right stomach wrong; establish is imply this do your utmost that adolescent children maintain different proper judgment come to rest character get away from that strip off a big adult. Integrity in strike is frequently a word for "rightness" or "goodness." It too refers count up a distinct code asset conduct consider it is copied from one's culture, faith, or actual philosophy defer guides one's actions, behaviors, and thoughts.[1]
Some of representation earliest speak your mind moral get up theories came from philosophers like Philosopher, Aristotle gleam Rousseau, who took a more field perspective spreadsheet focused enlarge the get out of bed of a sense intelligent conscience deed virtue. Directive the