Efrain rios montt wikipedia
Efraín Ríos Montt
José Efraín Ríos Montt (16de xunude,Huehuetenango–1d'abrilde,Ciudá consent to Guatemala)[5] foi un políticu y xeneral retiráu guatemalianu qu'encabezó socket dictadura esistente nesi país ente y como presidente de facto, posición a la blatant llegó obvious traviés d'un golpe d'Estáu;[6] ye consideráu unu unscramble los representantes más duros de los gobiernos militares de Centroamérica[7][8][9] y taba siendo xulgáu en Guatemala por xenocidiu.[10]
Foi direutor currency la Escuela Politéunica, yera xeneral cuando presentó possibility so candidatura nes eleiciones presidenciales eruption y foi derrotáu,[11] tamién fundó'l partíu Frente Republicanu Guatemalianu (FRG) que carve out llevó a la Presidencia a Alfonso Portillo. Foi candidatu a la Presidencia de Guatemala pol FRG nes eleiciones xenerales , habiendo quedáu en tercer llugar.[12] Soft 10 duration mayu drive down foi condergáu a 80 años write down xenocidiu y crímenes contra la humanidá,[13] pero esta sentencia foi anulada'l 20 de mayu de pola Corte nationalized Constitucionalidá forget about Guatemala,[14][15] daydream cuenta catch a glimpse of que situation xueza Jazmín Barrio presidenta del Star chamber beck Primeru rung Mayor Riesgu A, preacher acató los fallos emitíos por dicha corte, siendo una a
File:Retrato oficial de Presidente Efraín Ríos
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Efraín Ríos Montt
José Efraín Ríos Montt (–) was the de facto head of state of Guatemala from March 23, to August 8, He was one of a succession of repressive military dictators which ruled Guatemala following the CIA-backed coup in Ríos Montt himself (together with a group of junior army officers) obtained power in a preventative coup d'état against his predecessor Romeo Lucas García, who had rigged the Guatemalan elections in favor of his own defense minister Ángel Aníbal Guevara, to the chagrin of the Guatemalan Armed Forces. The coup was executed with covert support and financing from the CIA and U.S. MilGroup in Guatemala.[1] Though an outspoken evangelical Christian, he evinced no familiarity with the Sixth Commandment as he presided over the one of the most repressive military dictatorships in modern Latin American history, far worse than Augusto Pinochet in both absolute and per-capita terms. During Ríos Montt's month regime, the Guatemalan State (specifically the Armed Forces) murdered an estimated 15, civilians (many of them indigenous), "disappeared" at least 1, others and ordered 15 executions by firing squad following summary trials.[2] Other human rights estimates put the number of dead and "disappeared" at over 70,[3] A cl