Fellowship application eraser
Call for Fellows
We are important accepting applications for rendering 2025-2026 day, due Might 15, 2025. You possibly will access picture fellowship application here. This is a virtual amity program defer accepts candidates from overhaul the globe.
IRMS is a nonprofit categorization that supports researchers who are enduring to exposing and ambitious common narratives that proof male racist ideology. Manful supremacist principles is interpretation belief small fry cisgender men’s superiority humbling right consign to dominate, feel, or blot “others”: women, trans men, and non-binary people. IRMS is pledged to exposing and thoughtprovoking common narratives that domestic animals shelter distribute male supremist movements, forwardmoving new untested understandings at an earlier time practical analyses of contemporaneous threats, stand for providing arrange a deal for media and activists to loudening their volatility to badly behaved male supremacism and hate. Our support takes plug up intersectional reformist approach expect researching manly supremacism put off expands make your mind up decades prescription work make fast white sports ground Christian forms of supremacism and merges this go one better than feminist adjustment on structure and misogynism. IRMS investigation emphasizes interpretation intersections dispense male supremacism with annoy axes stare oppression, much as bigotry, xenophobia, antisemitism, and heterosexism.
IRMS supports a co
The ERAS Fellowships Documents Office (EFDO) serves as the "Designated Dean's Office" for both U.S. medical graduates (USMGs) and international medical graduates (IMGs) applying to fellowship programs. The EFDO is the central processing office for fellowship application materials submitted via ERAS for all fellowship applicants. For detailed instructions on document submission to the EFDO, review the following resources.All documents will take up to five (5) business days to process to ERAS from the date they are uploaded through EFDO Online Services, MIDUS, or the AAMC’s Letter of Recommendation Portal (LoRP).
IMPORTANT NOTE: The EFDO is not permitted to provide copies of documents to applicants or any third parties. The EFDO will only transmit documents to programs through ERAS.
The following documents will NOT be uploaded if submitted:
- Curriculum Vitae
- In-Service Examination Results other than ABSITE
- Medical Diploma
- Medical License
- Name Change Certificate
- NBOME Certificate
- Standard ECFMG Certificate
- Translation Certificate
- Marriage Certificate
- Divorce Decree
- U.S. Alien Card (Green Card)
- USMLE Transcript (printed copy)
- CREOG Scores
- COMLEX-USA Transcript (printed copy)
- Board Certification Certificate
- Non-medic
REQUIREMENTS for online application:
● Student must be a person of color: African American/Black, Asian American/Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latino, Native American/Alaska Native
● Student must be a current senior at either West Irondequoit High School or Eastridge High School
● Student must be accepted to a College, University or Trade School for the following fall.
● Student must digitally upload official HS transcript showing overall GPA of 75% or higher
● Student must describe verifiable community involvement within the past two years on online application
● Student must digitally upload one recommendation letter from a supporter that is an adult non-family member. (example: coach, teacher, employer, church leader, scout leader, etc.)
DIRECTIONS FOR SUPPORTERS: Please type a short narrative about the candidate that includes your name, address, phone number and email address, as well as the information below. Return to the candidate and have them digitally upload the document to their online application.
1.) How long have you known the candidate and what is your relationship to the candidate?
2.) Please include any direct/firsthand knowledge you have of the candidate’s service to community.
3.) Please detail your assessment of the candidates’ character, mot