Fumaroli joel dicker biography
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Postures littéraires et construction de l’image sociale de l’écrivain dans la culture roumaine/ Literary Postures and the Writer’s Social Image within Romanian Culture
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The Truth about
the Harry Quebert Affair
Joël Dicker
general information | review summaries | our review | links | about the author
- French title: La vérité sur l'affaire Harry Quebert
- Translated by Sam Taylor
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Our Assessment:
B : equal parts endearingly enthusiastic and inept
See our review for fuller assessment.
Review Consensus:
No consensus -- most agree the writing is pretty basic, but many find the twisting thriller plot redeems it; lots of question marks around the names, Americana, and the handling of the fifteen-year-old object of desire
From the Reviews:
- "Harry Quebert has been billed as a literary thriller but it�s more of a schlocky murder mystery. There�s nothing wrong with that, except that with the metafictional structure (the book within the book) and with Dicker taking satirical aim at the vulgar commercial imperatives of the book publishing business, there�s a heavy layer of self-consciousness to the novel. (...) The book is repeti