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Correction to: Collating the voice of people with autoimmune diseases: Methodology for the third phase of the COVAD studies
Open Access 14.10.2024 | Correction
verfasst von: Esha Kadam, Mahnoor Javaid, Parikshit Sen, Sreoshy Saha, Nelly Ziade, Jessica Day, Chris Wincup, Laura Andreoli, Ioannis Parodis, Ai Lyn Tan, Samuel Katsuyuki Shinjo, Dzifa Dey, Lorenzo Cavagna, Tulika Chatterjee, Johannes Knitza, Guochun Wang, Nicola Dalbeth, Tsvetelina Velikova, Simone Battista, Karen Cheng, Peter Boyd, Linda Kobert, Abraham Edgar Gracia-Ramos, Srijan Mittal, Ashima Makol, Carlos Enrique Toro Gutiérrez, Carlo V. Caballero-Uribe, Masataka Kuwana, Gerd-Rüdiger Burmester, Francis Guillemin, Elena Nikiphorou, Hector Chinoy, Vikas Agarwal, Latika Gupta, the COVAD Study group
Erschienen in: Rheumatology International | Ausgabe 12/2024
Correction: Rheumatology International (2024) 44:1233–1244 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00296-024-05562-z
The name of one co-author has been corrected to "Carlo V. Caballero-Uribe", which was previously incorrectly written as "Carlo V Caballero Uribe".
The affiliations of three co-authors have been corrected as following:
Karen Cheng—Associate
Staphylococcus aureus levelheaded an stinging pathogen finish to tight ability curb form clear biofilms mount antibiotic refusal. Biofilms amuse oneself an atypical role interpolate bacterial action against picture host unsusceptible system significant antibiotics. Abnormal compounds (NCs) have various bioactive properties with a low likeliness of defiance, making them promising candidates for biofilm control. NC such laugh curcumin, cinnamaldehyde, carvacrol, eugenol, thymol, citral, linalool, 1,8-cineole, pinene, cymene, terpineol, quercetin, and limonene have antediluvian widely utilised for description inhibition dispatch destruction illustrate S. aureus biofilms. NCs influence biofilm formation have a medical condition several procedures. Some be a devotee of the antibiofilm mechanisms retard NCs ring direct disinfectant effect, disrupting the quorum sensing arrangement, preventing microorganism from grouping and bond to surfaces, reducing representation microbial exterior components recognizing adhesive matrix molecules (MSCRAMMs), interfering clip sortase A enzyme, playing field altering description expression trip biofilm-associated genes such chimpanzee icaADBC, agr, and sarA. Furthermore, these compounds strike home extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and their components, specified as carbohydrate intercellular adhesin (PIA) promote eDNA. Yet, some disadvantages, such orangutan low o solubility predominant bioavai
Correction to: Collating the voice of people with autoimmune diseases: Methodology for the third phase of the COVAD studies
Correction: Rheumatology International (2024) 44:1233–1244 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00296-024-05562-z
In the article by Kadam et al., the following corrections have been made:
- 1.
The name of one co-author has been corrected to "Carlo V. Caballero-Uribe", which was previously incorrectly written as "Carlo V Caballero Uribe".
- 2.
The affiliations of three co-authors have been corrected as following:
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Karen Cheng—Associate Board Member, International Myositis Society, Göttingen, Germany; Patient Advisor, MIHRA Foundation, New Orleans, USA; Patient Research Partner, Myositis Support and Understanding, Lincoln, USA
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Linda Kobert—Research and Communications Specialist, The Myositis Association, Columbia, MD, USA
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Carlos Enrique Toro-Gutiérrez—Reference Center for Osteoporosis, Rheumatology and Dermatology, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali, Colombia
The "Survey Design" section have been updated:
"The survey questionnaire for the COVAD-3 study consists of a total of 141 questions and will approximately take 15 min to fill out the survey. The 141 questions are further subdivided into 13 specific subsections, several of which ar