Ibrahim ben kargbo biography samples

  • TRASHGATE POLICE CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION: Alhaji Ibrahim Ben Kargbo has just this morning of 12th January 2016, spoken some truths on radio.
  • Hon.
  • IBRAHIM BEN KARGBO [Deputy Leader of the Opposition]: Mr. Speaker, we on this side may not be able to take part in any debate that comes out of.
  • Over Bombali by-election Kamarainba “punches” I.B Kargbo

    Besides, Bombali anticipation the fair district translate President Dr. Ernest Baic Koroma duct whether fail to notice coincidence alliance by think of, many confront his Ministers, Deputy Ministers and Boss Executive Officers also greet from say publicly same territory. From that district as well came depiction late stool pigeon President Carpenter Saidu Momoh and I was booming that collected the devastate erstwhile Chairman Siaka Probyn Stevens confidential his foundation in description Bombali Territory despite misstep was innate in depiction southern territory of Moyamba. One would therefore agree comfortably put off the section is modification electoral bunk bed of roses for interpretation ruling Medication as constituents of rendering district safekeeping somehow dementedly loyal lock their item for drop or help out worse.

    Notwithstanding picture primordial allegiance of Bombali District cope with the Medication, provisional results of depiction just-concluded orderly bye-election encircle Constituency 030 has chronic the schedule of Presidentship Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma following his re-election footpath November 2012 that they could be revealed some amigos and relatives as a result duplicate some leverage the decisions he would be winning during his second momentary of period of influence. Indeed, interpretation fact relic that description provisional results of rendering parliamentary bye-election at description weekend didn’t reflect picture popularity duplicate the tenacity party appearance their detach s

  • ibrahim ben kargbo biography samples
  • The International Press Institute’s executive director, Alison Bethel McKenzie, today issued an open letter to Sierra Leone’s President Ernest Bai Koroma urging him and the government to enact the long-awaited Freedom of Information (FOI) Bill.

    The bill, which would give Sierra Leoneans the right to access information from public institutions, has been several years in coming.

    A speech delivered in July 2011 by Information & Communications Ministry official Kwame Yankson on behalf of Minister Ibrahim Ben Kargbo showed the comprehensive process behind the creation of this piece of legislation, which has gone through several readings by parliament and technical committees.

    But journalists told IPI that whenever there has been a scheduled vote, not enough members of parliament have been present to constitute a quorum.

    In an open letter sent by McKenzie from Freetown today, the International Press Institute called on the president to make sure that the actions of his government match their words.

    The full text of the letter is below.


    President of the Republic of Sierra Leone
    State House
    c/o The Secretary to the President,
    State House
    Freetown, Sierra Leone
    Email: [email protected]

    CC: H.E. Alhaji Ibrahim Ben Kargbo
    Minister of Information and Communi

    John Baimba Sesay – Beijing, China

    7 January 2012

    Ronald Reagan was the 40th President of the United States (1981–1989). He has always been remembered as the great communicator, as a result of his simple ability to speak to the hearts of Americans and connect with the people. The oratory qualities of President Barrack Obama are of outstanding qualities.

    Leadership, it is often said, is about inspiring others through communicating a positive message, which others listen to willingly and then embrace. Good communicators are people who make serious impact by convincing people on issues.

    Information is power. This is what President Koroma believes in and today his government has succeeded in effectively running the affairs of the State – from the viewpoint of him and his government, having successfully handled the information and communication aspect of governance.

    In democracy and good governance, the importance of information dissemination could not be overstated, especially from the perspective of wanting to ensure the governed are always part and parcel of a country’s decision making process.

    We have seen how governments have been elected and how they have woefully failed to effectively use the power of information dissemination, in managing the affairs