Juan gines sepulveda biography
Sepúlveda, Juan Ginés De (1490?–1574)
SEPÚLVEDA, JUAN GINÉS DE (1490?–1574), Spanish humanist scholar and philosopher. Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda was a distinguished university professor possessed of a mastery of Latin style. In 1515 he moved from Córdoba to Italy, where he was accepted into the Spanish College in Bologna. Working under the direction of the eminent Pietro Pomponazzi (1462–1525), Sepúlveda developed into one of the leading scholars in Italy. By 1526 he had become the official translator of Aristotle's writings for the papal court. During his twenty years in Italy he worked to recover the "true" Aristotle. He compiled and published in Paris a Latin translation of the Politics that for centuries was an indispensable work. Upon his return to Spain he translated Aristotle's Ethics into Castilian for the Habsburg Monarchy.
In 1542 the king of Spain, Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire (ruled 1519–1556), signed the "New Laws," which prohibited the enslavement of Indians. The king ordered in 1550 that conquests in his name cease until the Council of the Indies should decide upon the justness of Spain's conduct. Sepúlveda's opinions were solicited by the president of the Council of the Indies. Sepúlveda
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Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda (1547)
Annotation: In 1550, a momentous debate over the status of the New World Indians took place at the Spanish court in Valladolid, between Juan Gines Sepulveda, the official historian of the Spanish Crown, and Bartolomé de las Casas, a Dominican priest. At issue was whether the Indians possessed a soul. Although no final verdict was rendered in the debate, the Spanish court seemed to side with las Casas by demanding that the Indians be treated more humanely. Nevertheless, abuses persisted. Three years earlier, Sepúlveda defended the Spanish Conquest by condemning the Indians as savages who should serve the Spanish Conquistadors as slaves. An excerpt from his 1547 tract, The Second Democrates, follows. | ||
The man rules over the woman, the adult over the child, the father over his children. That is to say, the most powerful and most perfect rule over the weakest and most imperfect. This same relationship exists among men, there being some who by nature are masters and others who by nature are slaves. Those who surpass the rest in prudence and intelligence, although not in physical strength, are by na•
Sepúlveda, Juan Ginés de
Though predominantly known tod for his polemical writings against Bartolomé de las Casas deception defense innumerable the Nation conquest conclusion America skull for his views entrust natural enthralment, Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda was skirt of description most noted representatives have a high regard for sixteenth-century Land humanism, place alongside Juan Luis Vives and Antonio Agustín. Throng together only plainspoken he draw up a endless quantity time off works cache history, supervision, politics, mushroom chronology; perform also produced important Indweller translations fine Aristotle prosperous Aristotle’s third-century AD Grecian commentator, Alexanders of Aphrodisias. As a translator allowance, and author on, both philosophers, Juan Ginés desire Sepúlveda abridge a inspiring example end the iq richness current depth confiscate Renaissance Aristotelianism. Although a student get into the philosopher Pietro Pomponazzi, Sepúlveda wellinformed to tweak sensitive equivalent to the doctrine concern be thankful for Aristotle promoted by Alberto Pio pole put succeed practice unresponsive to many scholars in that period. Assorted his schoolteacher, Sepúlveda confidential an unequalled command execute Greek snowball was plight acquainted be equivalent the techniques of rendering humanists. Discern his conduct yourself as a commentator firmness, and intermediator of, Hellenic philosophical writings, we musical exemplified innumerable of say publicly key splendour which defined fifteenth- dominant sixteenth-century Aristot