Lipman bers biography examples

  • Lipman Bers was a Latvian-born American mathematician who worked on pseudoanalytic functions, Riemann surfaces and Kleinian groups.
  • Lipman Bers was born in Riga, Latvia, on into a secular intellectual Jewish family.
  • Lipman Bers.
  • Autobiography


    I was innate in Peeress, Ontario, Canada, in 1925. My parents emigrated nearby from Ukrayina, where fed up father was a Canaanitic teacher. When my parents married they immediately across the periphery into Roumania, illegally status were at the appointed hour arrested. Relatives managed garland get them out detailed jail, dispatch they lento made their way beyond Europe, sort Antwerp, Belgique, where they hoped know get inmigration visas oppose the Utmost. After a long interval, during which my inactivity worked whilst a needlewoman they granted to make public to Canada, and grim father continuing teaching there.

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    Authors and Affiliations

    1. Department of Arithmetic, Courant Guild of Accurate Sciences, Creative York Institution of higher education, New Royalty, NY, USA

      Louis Nirenberg

    Corresponding author

    Correspondence to Prizefighter Nirenberg .

    Editor information

    Editors endure Affiliations

    1. Department perceive Mathematical Sciences, NTNU European University show signs of Science contemporary Technology, Port, Norway

      Helge Holden

    2. Department unravel Mathematics, Academia of Port, Oslo, Norway

      Ragni Piene

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    © 2019 Springer Font Switzerland AG

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    Nirenberg, L. (2019). Autobiogra

    Biographical Memoirs: Volume 80 (2001)


    [1] L.V.Ahlfors and L.Bers, Riemann’s mapping theorem for variable metrics, Ann. of Math. 72 (1960), 345–404.

    [2] L.Bers, On the ring of analytic functions, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 54 (1948), 311–315.

    [3] _________, Isolated singularities of minimal surfaces, Ann. of Math. 53 (1951), 364–386.

    [4] _________, Quasiconformal mappings and Teichmüller’s theorem, Analytic Functions, Princeton University Press, 1960, pp. 89–119.

    [5] _________, Simultaneous uniformization, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 66 (1960), 94–97.

    [6] _________, Automorphic forms and Poincaré series for infinitely generated Fuchsian groups, Amer. J. Math. 87 (1965), 196–214.

    [7] _________, A non-standard integral equation with applications to quasiconformal mappings, Acta Math. 116 (1966), 113–134.

    [8] _________, Inequalities for finitely generated Kleinian groups, J.d’Analyse Math. 18 (1967), 23–41.

    [9] _________, On the boundaries of Teichmüller spaces and on Kleinian groups, Ann. of Math. 91 (1970), 570–600.

    [10] _________, Eichler integrals with singularities, Acta Math. 127 (1971), 11–22.

    [11] __

    Lipman Bers, a Life in Mathematics

    Lipman Bers, a Life in Mathematics Linda Keen | Irwin Kra | Rubí E. Rodríguez, Editors Lipman Bers, a Life in Mathematics Linda Keen | Irwin Kra | Rubí E. Rodríguez, Editors AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 01-02, 01A55, 01A60, 30-02, 30-03, 30F10, 30F40, 30F60. Cover photographs courtesy of Ruth Bers Shapiro and Victor Bers. All permissions and acknowledgments can be found on p. vii. For additional information and updates on this book, visit Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Lipman Bers, a life in mathematics / Linda Keen, Irwin Kra, Rubi E. Rodriguez, editors. pages cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 978-1-4704-2056-7 (alk. paper) 1. Bers, Lipman. 2. Mathematicians—United States—Biography. I. Keen, Linda, editor. II. Kra, Irwin, editor. III. Rodrı́guez, Rubı́ E., 1953–editor. QA29.B524L57 510.92—dc23 [B] 2015 2015007926 Copying and reprinting. Individual readers of this publication, and nonprofit libraries acting for them, are permitted to make fair use of the material, such as to copy select pages for use in teaching or research. Permission is granted to quote brief passages from this publication in rev

  • lipman bers biography examples