Livia drusilla biography

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    2. LiviaDrusilla, say publicly wife last part Augustus, was the daughterof Livius Drusus Claudianus [DRUSUS, No. 7], who difficult been adoptive by suspend of say publicly Livia phratry, but was a heir of App. Claudius Caecus. Livia was born go on the 28 of Sep, B. C. 56-54. (Letronne, Recherches flow servir à l'Histoire purpose l'Egypte,p. 171.) She was married leading to Tib. Claudius Nero; but break through beauty having attracted representation notice rule Octavian view the gaze of B. C. 38, her old man was compelled to breakup her, queue surrender make more attractive to depiction triumvir. She had already borne organized husband defer son, description future monarch Tiberius, be proof against at interpretation time asset her tie with Statesman was outrage months gravid with other, who accordingly received depiction name take away Drusus. Whoosh was lone two period previously put off she esoteric been grateful to wing before Octavian, in be a result of join husband having fought bite the bullet him sight the Perusinian war. (Suet. Tib. 3, 4; Vell. 2.75, 79; Suet. Aug. 62; D. C. 48.15, 34, 44.)Livia never drill Augustus prolific children, but she continuing to put on unbounded power over him till rendering time perceive his sortout. The kingdom which she had gained by weaken charms she maintained alongside the correctness of break down conduct give orders to the pull of time out manners, type well whereas by a perfect knowing of rendering character look up to Augustus, w


    Roman empress from 27 BC to AD 14

    For other uses, see Livia (disambiguation).

    Livia Drusilla (30 January 59 BC – AD 29) was Roman empress from 27 BC to AD 14 as the wife of Augustus, the first Roman emperor. She was known as Julia Augusta after her formal adoption into the Julia gens in AD 14.

    Livia was the daughter of senator Marcus Livius Drusus Claudianus and his wife Alfidia. She married Tiberius Claudius Nero around 43 BC, and they had two sons, Tiberius and Drusus. In 38 BC, she divorced Tiberius Claudius Nero and married the political leader Octavian. The Senate granted Octavian the title Augustus in 27 BC, effectively making him emperor. In her role as Roman empress, Livia served as an influential confidant to her husband and was rumored to have been responsible for the deaths of several of his relatives, including his grandson Agrippa Postumus.

    After Augustus died in AD 14, Tiberius was elevated, and Livia continued to exert political influence as the mother of the emperor until her death in AD 29. She was grandmother of the emperor Claudius, great-grandmother of the emperor Caligula, and great-great-grandmother of the emperor Nero. Livia was deified by Claudius in AD 42, bes

    Livia Drusilla was arguably one of the most powerful women in the early Roman Empire, beloved by the people but hated by the enemies of the first Emperor Augustus. She has often been described as beautiful and loyal, yet at the same time constantly scheming and deceitful.

    Was she a shadowy figure, who orchestrated the murders of people who stood in her way or was she a misunderstood character? We may never be able to say for certain, but she undeniably had a close relationship with her husband Augustus, becoming his closest confidant and advisor. Her involvement in court intrigue played a crucial role in securing the Imperial title for her son Tiberius, laying the groundworks for the turbulent Julio–Claudian dynasty following the death of Augustus.

    Here are 10 facts about the first Roman Empress Livia Drusilla.

    1.  Her early life is clouded in mystery

    Roman society was heavily male dominated, with women often ignored in written records. Born 30 January 58 BC, Livia was the daughter of Marcus Livius Drusus Claudianus. Little is known about her early life, with more information emerging 16 years later with her first marriage.

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    2. Before Augustus, she was married to her
  • livia drusilla biography