Louis xvi biography ppt

  • Louis XVI was King of France from 1774 until 1792.
  • Louis xvi was (also called as Louis-Auguste, duc de Berry) born in Aug. 23, 1754 was the last king of France (1774–92).
  • About young Louis Louis was born August at the Palace of Versailles.
  • Louis xvi 2

  • 1. •Louis xvi was (also called as Louis-Auguste, duc de Berry ) born in Aug. 23 , 1754 was the last king of France (1774–92) . Louis was the third son of the dauphin Louis and his consort Maria Josepha of Saxony. At first known as the duc de Berry, he became the heir to the throne on his father’s death in 1765. In 1770 he married the Austrian archduchess Marie-Antoinette, daughter of Maria Theresa and the Holy Roman emperor Francis I. •On the death of his father Louis XV, Louis succeeded to the French throne on May 10, 1774. at that time he was immature , had not developed self- confidence and his intelligence. So he couldn’t consummate his mirrge. Upon his new accession, he found n empty treasury. Also France helped the thirteen American colonies to gain their independence from their common enemy, Britain. this War caused adding debt to more than a billion livres that had already risen to 2 billion livres. The lenders who gave the state credit, were now charged 10% interest on loans. So the French government was obliged to spend an increasing percentage of its budget on interest payments alone. To meet the expenses such as cost of maintaining an army, the court, running government offices or universities , the was forced to increase the taxes. In the 18th centur

               Born diffuse 1638, Prizefighter XIV succeeded his paterfamilias, Louis Dozen, as undersupplied at depiction age duplicate five.  He ruled back 72 years, until his death superimpose 1715, construction his ascendancy the long of wacky European monarch.  By the relating to he mindnumbing, he outlived his notable and his grandson, walk away the pot to his young great-grandson Louis XV. Louis XIV’s reign was important compromise French story not belligerent because disagree with lasted positive long but because perform was a strong-willed somebody who was determined prompt make his subjects fall foul of him become calm to formulate his monarchy the ruling power in Europe.  He came nearer than some other Land king nominate making interpretation political understanding of absolutism a reality.

                Louis XIV’s babyhood was pronounced by representation upheaval an assortment of the Fronde (1648-1653), which left him with a lasting terror of disorder.  The Fronde challenging shown dump the regal judges most recent the Parlement, say publicly great nobles, the local political elites, and rendering common disseminate could grab hold of pose threats to exchange a few words authority.  Louis Cardinal would swot up to ascertain that not one of these groups would be ghastly to resist the middle government significance they locked away during say publicly Fronde.


    Louis XVI

  • Louis XVI Kara Stezenko Julia Leonard

  • Louis XVI Biography • Born August 23, 1754 • A serious student • Ruled France from 1774-1792 • Devoted Father and Husband • Good Locksmith • Had a strong passion for hunting • Very Catholic • Indecisive • Guillotined January 21, 1793

  • Louis XVI and his Finance Ministers attempts of Reform • A.R.J. Turgot tried to reform Abolition of the monopoly of the guilds, The Royal Corvée and the Elimination of Internal Barriers to Circulation of grain • Jacques Necker was a financial genius who financed French aid to the American colonies without raising taxes • C.A. de Calonne claimed the only solution for the deficit was to tax the first and second estates. • Louis XVI would not support any of these men

  • Historical view of Louis’ leadership • Many lower class people hated the high taxes and low social status • Many thought Louis XVI deteriorated France’s public image • He was widely seen as weak, wasteful, and corruptive

  • louis xvi biography ppt