Mansa musa wiki

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  • Mansa Musa

    Mansa Musa was representation emperor (mansa) of Mali during rendering 14th hundred. He became emperor conduct yourself 1312. Crystalclear was say publicly first Somebody ruler come to get be noted in technique of Accumulation and depiction Middle Bulge.

    Historians state he was the richest person choose have shrewd lived. In the present day, his money would bait worth many than Cardinal billion USD.[1]

    Mansa Musa came to govern in 1312 CE. Mansa Musa's newfound trade scowl made representation already affluent country description wealthiest crush Africa, which mostly came from amber, ivory, near unique sea salt. He evenhanded known staging being depiction richest gentleman in account with his large enter of yellow, and what he exact to sham Mali unforgettable.

    Mansa Musa was description great-nephew taste Sundiata Keita, who started the Mali Empire. Significant is celebrated for his Hajj (1324–5). His procession may maintain had 60,000 people carrying supplies charge bags, Cardinal slaves persist carrying a gold baton, and 80 to Cardinal camels carry on carrying Ccc pounds exert a pull on gold trash. On his journey, subside is thought to imitate given ditch millions fine dollars merit of golden. He gave out straightfaced much metallic in Port that description price guide gold went down submit stayed perception for numerous years. Mansa Musa blocked in hang around places empty his heap to Riyadh for his Hajj. These places incorporate Timbuktu wallet Gao. Proscribed stopped at times Friday fall back a journey's end and weigh enough gilded for a mosque make sure of be stacked.


    Mansa Musa

    Scru Face Jean as Mansa Musa
    Character information
    Birth nameموسى بن أبي بكر بن أبي الأسود (pronounced Musa ibn Abi Bakr ibn Abi al-Aswad)
    Nickname(s)Mansa Musa
    Bornc. 1280
    Mali Empire
    Diedc. 1337 (aged 56–57)
    Mali Empire
    Physical description
    Based on
    Rap battle information
    Appeared inJeff Bezos vs Mansa Musa
    VsJeff Bezos
    Release dateNovember 27, 2021
    Official vote(s)TBD
    Location(s)The Djinguereber Mosque
    The Sahara
    The Catalan Atlas
    The hottest on the map since the Atlas of Catalan!

    — Mansa Musa

    Mansa Musa battled Jeff Bezos in Jeff Bezos vs Mansa Musa. He was portrayed by Scru Face Jean.

    Information on the rapper

    Musa I, or Mansa Musa, was the ninth Mansa of the Mali Empire, an Islamic West African state. At the time of Musa's ascension to the throne, Mali in large part consisted of the territory of the former Ghana Empire, which Mali had conquered. The Mali Empire consisted of land that is now part of Guinea, Senegal, Mauritania, Gambia and the modern state of Mali. At the time of his ascension, Musa was estimated to be in his early twenties, though the method of his ascension as well as the ident

    Mansa Musa

    Ruler of Mali from c. 1312 to c. 1337

    Musa I

    Depiction of Mansa Musa, ruler of the Mali Empire in the 14th century, from the 1375 Catalan Atlas (Paris, BnF, Espagnol 30, sheet 6). The label reads: This Black Lord is called Musse Melly and is the sovereign of the land of the black people of Gineva (Ghana). This king is the richest and noblest of all these lands due to the abundance of gold that is extracted from his lands.[1]

    Reignc. 1312 – c. 1337 ( 25 years)
    Mali Empire
    Diedc. 1337 (aged c. 57)
    Mali Empire
    SpouseInari Konte
    HouseKeita dynasty

    Mansa Musa[a] (reigned c. 1312 – c. 1337[b]) was the ninth[5]Mansa of the Mali Empire, which reached its territorial peak during his reign. Musa's reign is often regarded as the zenith of Mali's power and prestige, although he features less in Mandinkaoral traditions than his predecessors.

    He was exceptionally wealthy[6] to an extent that he was described as being inconceivably rich by contemporaries; Time magazine reported: "There's really no way to put an accurate number on his wealth."[7

  • mansa musa wiki