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Cruzeiro Universal - Mestre Irineu
Cruzeiro Universal - Mestre Irineu
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On Revelations and Revolutions: Drinking Ayahuasca Among Palestinians Under Israeli Occupation
During an ayahuasca ritual on the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), Ruqaiya had a painful historical revelation. She saw cycles of war, blood flowing onto the land, and mothers who sacrifice their children. As a Palestinian citizen of Israel who had denied her national affiliation in the past, she finally recognized the longstanding injustice of the Israeli occupation of her people. Embodying the agony of the land, she expressed her anger in a song, which interfered with the harmony of the ritual. Singing al-Fatiha (the opening verses of the Quran) with great vigor, she attempted to deliver an emancipatory message as a Muslim to the Jewish Israeli participants attending the ritual: fasting on Yom Kippur is not enough, since a political reparation is necessary for their atonement. While some of the Jewish Israeli participants rejected her message, the political intensity of the moment was unavoidable. Ruqaiya’s particular feelings that evening about Palestinian subjugation were associated with a universal truth of liberation and equality for all. Her loyalty to this revelatory event changed her life and gave her a new sense of mission. She became
Idoc - Pub - o Cruzeiro Universal Mestre Irineu Cifradopdf
Idoc - Pub - o Cruzeiro Universal Mestre Irineu Cifradopdf
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