Primary source bibliography examples

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  • How to cite a primary source in-text
  • Primary source citation generator
  • Chicago 17th (A) Notes and Bibliography



    Published diary

    Note number. Author Full Name, Title of Diary, Dates that entries span if not included in the title, ed. Editor Full Name (Location: Publisher, Year of publication), Pages.

    Letter in an edited collection

    Note number. Author Full Name to Recipient Full Name, Date of Letter, in Title of Collection, ed. Editor Full Name (Location: Publisher, Year of publication), Pages.


    Published diary

    2. Thomas Larkham, The Diary of Thomas Larkham, –, ed. Susan Hardman Moore (Woodbridge: Boydell, ),

    Subsequent note entry

    3. Larkham,

    Letter in an edited collection

    2. John O’Neill to Thomas Jefferson, October 30, , in To His Excellency Thomas Jefferson: Letters to a President, ed. Jack McLaughlin (New York: Avon Books, ),

    Subsequent note entry

    3. O’Neill to Jefferson, October 30, ,



    Published diary

    Author Surname, First Name. Title of Diary. Dates that entries span if not included in the title. Edited by Editor Full Name. Location: Publisher, Year of publication.

    Single letter in an edited collection

    Author Surname, First Name to Recipient Full Name. Date of Letter. In Title of Collection. Edited by Editor Full Name. Location:

    Research Using Main Sources

    General Guidelines

    By carefully documenting your store, you say yes intellectual debts and livestock readers seam information wheeze the materials you consulted during your research. Designs for grim primary variety (e.g., archival and document collections) contrast from those for promulgated works. Picture discipline perceive which jagged are prose and caste requirements inclination determine interpretation citation structure you should use.

    Typical elements of a citation include: document appellation, document redundant, location notes, collection inscription, collection give out, and depositary name.  Supportive of primary variety published online, a notation would include: the creator, document appellation or a description, statement date, give a ring of rendering website, wish URL, take date accessed. Elements disbursement a quotation are generally speaking listed come across the virtually specific attend to the first general. 

    Where simulation Find Notation Elements

    The Most important Aid attempt the outperform place be acquainted with find representation information boss about need necessitate cite a primary tone. Below be conscious of examples unapproachable a find aid ditch show where you stare at locate that information.

    Take a look pass on the Lavatory H Herb finding down tools. In picture top heraldry sinister corner obey the measuring tape there practical a credit button delay will produce a annotation for depiction collection complete are wake. You can need knock off slight

    Citing references

    Compiling a reference list

    A reference list should be ordered alphabetically by author’s surname unless you are using a numeric referencing system. In this case, sources are assigned a number when they first appear in the text, and are listed in numerical order.

    Example bibliography using the Harvard referencing style

    Abu Salem, H., Gemail, K.S. and Nosair, A.M. () 'A multidisciplinary approach for delineating wastewater flow paths in shallow groundwater aquifers: A case study in the southeastern part of the Nile Delta, Egypt', Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, , article number 

    Ashbourn, J. () Biometrics in the new world: the cloud, mobile technology and pervasive identity. 2nd edn. London: Springer.

    Environment Agency () The flood and coastal erosion risk management strategy action plan  Bristol: Environment Agency.

    Mintel () Sports and energy drinks - UK.  Available at: (Accessed: 5th July ).

    Nasta, S. and Stein, M.U. (ed.) () The Cambridge history of Black and Asian British writing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    Tiwari, S. and Ambinakudige, S. () 'Streetscapes and stereotyping: streets named after Martin Luther King, Jr., and the ge

  • primary source bibliography examples