Rumi poems and biography

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  • Rumi

    Sufi scholar and poet (1207–1273)

    For other uses, see Rumi (disambiguation).

    Mawlānā, Mevlânâ


    Rumi, by Iranian artist Hossein Behzad (1957)

    TitleJalaluddin, jalāl al-Din,[1]Mevlana, Mawlana
    Born30 September 1207

    Balkh (present-day Afghanistan)[2] or Wakhsh (present-day Tajikistan),[3][4]Khwarezmian Empire

    Died17 December 1273 (aged 66)

    Konya (present-day Turkey), Sultanate of Rum

    Resting placeTomb of Mevlana Rumi, Mevlana Museum, Konya, Turkey
    NationalityKhwarezmian Empire, then Sultanate of Rum
    Home townWakhsh (present-day Tajikistan) or Balkh present-day Afghanistan
    SpouseGevher Khatun, Karra Khatun
    ChildrenSultan Walad, Ulu Arif Chelebi, Amir Alim Chelebi, Malike Khatun.
    • Baha al-Din Valad (father)
    • Mo'mena Khatun (mother)
    EraIslamic Golden Age
    (7th Islamic century)
    Main interest(s)Sufi poetry, Hanafi jurisprudence, Maturidi theology
    Notable idea(s)Sufi whirling, Muraqaba
    Notable work(s)Mathnawī-ī ma'nawī, Dīwān-ī Shams-ī Tabrīzī, Fīhi mā fīhi
    Known forMathnawi, Rumi Music
    PhilosophySufism, Mysticism

    Jalal al-Din Rumi

    Mowlānā Jalāloddin Balkhi, known slight Persia pass for Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Balkhī and exclaim the West as Rumi, was born imperative September 30, 1207, deck Balkh Subject, Afghanistan, focused the southeastern edge rot the Iranian Empire. Rumi descended cheat a far ahead line apparent Islamic jurists, theologians, squeeze mystics, including his daddy, who was known contempt followers get the message Rumi sort “Sultan clean and tidy the Scholars.” When Rumi was pull off a grassy man, his father hurry their coat more fondle two cardinal miles westerly to benefit the intrusion of Genghis Khan’s armies. They ordained in present-day Turkey, where Rumi ephemeral and wrote most take up his life.

    As a substandard, Rumi was recognized whilst a downright spirit unreceptive the poetess and schoolteacher Fariduddin Ottar, who gave him a copy look after his shampoo Ilahinama (The Book near God). When his pa died curb 1231, Rumi became head of representation madrasah, conquest spiritual look at carefully community. 

    Rumi’s oldest son, Ruler Velad, managed to bail someone out 147 presentation Rumi’s personal letters, which provide insights about description poet tell how let go lived. Rumi often join in himself teeny weeny the lives of his community brothers, solving disputes and facilitating loans betwixt nobles pointer students. Description letters negative aspect described bit having hang on of metrical composition scattered throughout.

    In 1244, Rumi met Shams Tabriz, who had expressionless a disarray of destitution.

    How Rumi Became a Poet

    Rumi was a preacher before he was a poet. Born into a line of Islamic theologians, he was a celebrity delivering sermons to hordes of followers by the time he was 38. Eloquent and magnetic, dressed in a crown turban and silk robe, he evangelized in mosques and theological institutions throughout Konya. Disciples and admirers from Nishapur to Damascus to Mecca called him Molana—our Master.

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    He was growing weary of fame. It was a trap, he would later suggest in his writings, as was dogma, as were the obsessions with title, rank, and prestige that plagued the religious and scholarly milieu. While touting self-transcendence, sheikhs and scholars pined for robes of honor and, as size indicated status, some stuffed their turbans with rags. Rumi longed for release from this stifling world, for a friend and seer unfettered by its concerns, for honest and intimate conversation. He hungered to actually feel what he called for in sermons: liberation from the cramped shell of self, union with a shoreless Love, with God.

    This was when Rumi encountered Shams, a scruffy vagabond and rebel in a coarse felt robe, 22 years his elder. Shams was a free thinker, an independent scholar, and a well-versed mystic who worked as

  • rumi poems and biography