Ryszard kapuscinski biography of donald
"Domos?awski's book is a poignant feat of biography, not only because he trekked all over the world on Kapu?ci?ski's trail, but because it reopens dilemmas of integrity and conscience that are still painful for any journalist who tried to report the big world in the late 20th century ... [a] compelling, exhaustive and often upsetting book."--Neal Ascherson, London Review of Books
"A truly great achievement."--Agata Pyzik, Guardian
"Artur Domoslawski ... fires off questions like distress flares. He is dedicated in pursuit of evidence, crossing continents to get it, but a reluctant judge."--Marek Kohn, Independent
"A compelling and controversial biography... Mr Domoslawski was a friend of the great man; but resolved to treat his life as a subject for serious inquiry, setting out with an open mind and detailed knowledge, and adding more insights and evidence along the way. The result is an exemplary explanation of what made Kapuscinski tick."--Economist
"A great book about a great man."--Zygmunt Bauman
"[A] reluctant and fascinating exposé."--Nicholas Shakespeare, Telegraph
"The first
Ryszard Kapuscinski:A Life
by Artur Domoslawski
Translated by Antonia Lloyd-Jones
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Controversial biography of the twentieth-century master of literary reportage
The life and work of Ryszard Kapu?ci?ski was dangerously bold and deeply enigmatic. This controversial biography opens up the secrets and contradictions of this globally renowned Polish journalist and writer.
Artur Domos?awski travels the globe, following in Kapu?ci?ski’s footsteps, delving into his private conflicts and anxieties and discovering the relationships that were the catalyst for his unique style of ‘literary reportage’. The result is a compelling and uncompromising portrait of a conflicted and brilliant individual.
Domoslawski seems fascinated by moral gray areas—Kapuscinski neglected his family, had affairs, spied for Poland’s government, and maintained his Party membership until 1981—but he always takes a lenient view.
The first real biography of Kapuscinski.
A truly great achievement
The autobiographical “self” in Ryszard Kapuściński´s sympathetic journalism
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