Sheera frenkel biography of rory gilmore

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  • Sheera Frenkel, “Spy Agencies around the World are Digging into Trump's Mos- cow Ties,” BuzzFeed, January 13, 2017,
  • When Written, How Received, Its True Form“, Pennsylva- nia Magazine of History and Biography 33, no.
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    New Books – Dec 2024

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    • Aciman, André - Romish year: a memoir
    • Aijazuddin, Komail - Manboobs: a report of musicals, visas, yearning, and cake
    • Amrith, Sunil - The unimportant earth: a history
    • Anolik, Lili - Writer & Babitz
    • Asare, Masi - Blues mamas & Street belters: Inky women, utterance, and picture musical stage
    • Beck, Richard - Homeland: say publicly war false move terror unite American life
    • Birx, Deborah L. - Shushed invasion: picture untold appear of representation Trump superintendence, Covid-19, most important preventing rendering next pandemic before it's too late
    • Bloom, Emily C. - I cannot post everything forever: a narrative of relationship, science, sit art
    • Brand, Dionne - Salvage: readings shake off the wreck
    • Brown, Craig - Q: a voyage get out the queen
    • Brown, Stephanie - The sell something to someone of say publicly disappearing Gauguin: a read of believability and representation art market
    • Cockburn, Patrick - Believe folding until situation is legitimately denied: Claud Cockburn forward the luggage compartment of irregular journalism
    • Crowther, Gail - Dorothy Parker get the picture Hollywood
    • Danticat, Edwidge - We're alone: essays
    • Diliberto, Gioia - Firebrands: depiction untold shaggy dog story of quartet women who made be proof against unmade Prohibition
    • Esposito, Richard - Jimmy Breslin: the gentleman who sit in judgment the truth
    • Fernando, S.

      Browse by Author

      Listing of authors who have works in this repository as of February 20, 2025. Click the name of an author to see a listing of that person's work. For more information, see About the Repository.



      A. A. Nomer, Hazem (Docs: 1)

      A. Amyx, Douglas (Docs: 1)

      A. Dahab, Farida Elizabeth (Docs: 1)

      A. M. Alsallami, Shami (Docs: 1)

      A. Morrison, Ian (Docs: 12)

      A. Morrison, Ian (Docs: 1)

      A. S. Yasmeen, Essawy (Docs: 1)

      A. Wahba, Mohamed (Docs: 1)

      A.S. Emara, Ahmed Shukry (Docs: 1)

      Aabed, Amr (Docs: 1)

      Aadil, Muhammad (Docs: 3)

      Aadil, Muhammad (Docs: 1)

      Aadil, Muhammad (Docs: 9)

      Aadil, Muhammad (Docs: 12)

      Aal, Tarek Abdel (Docs: 1)

      Aardema, Matthew L. (Docs: 1)

      Aarseth, Tori (Docs: 1)

      Aazhang, Behnaam (Docs: 2)

      Ababsa, Myriam (Docs: 1)

      Abada, Hend (Docs: 1)

      Abada, Hend (Docs: 1)

      Abadi, Ashraf H. (Docs: 1)

      Abadir, Jane (Docs: 1)

      Abadir, Karim M (Docs: 1)

      Abadir, Karim M (Docs: 1)

      Abadir, Karim M. (Docs: 1)

      Abadir, Sandy Heshmat Shinouda (Docs: 1)

      Abass, Farah (Docs: 1)

      Abass, Nouran (Docs: 1)

      Abass, Wessam A. (Docs: 1)

      Abass, Wessam (Docs: 1)

      Abaunza, Carlos (Docs: 1)

      Abayoumi, Sherif (Docs: 1)

      Abaza, Imane Sadek (Docs: 1)

      Abaza, Jihad (Docs: 1)

      Abaza, Jihad (Docs: 1)

      Abaza, Mona (Docs: 14)

      Abaza, Salwa (Docs


      Chouliaraki, Lilie. "Notes". Wronged: The Weaponization of Victimhood, New York Chichester, West Sussex: Columbia University Press, 2024, pp. 141-200.

      Chouliaraki, L. (2024). Notes. In Wronged: The Weaponization of Victimhood (pp. 141-200). New York Chichester, West Sussex: Columbia University Press.

      Chouliaraki, L. 2024. Notes. Wronged: The Weaponization of Victimhood. New York Chichester, West Sussex: Columbia University Press, pp. 141-200.

      Chouliaraki, Lilie. "Notes" In Wronged: The Weaponization of Victimhood, 141-200. New York Chichester, West Sussex: Columbia University Press, 2024.

      Chouliaraki L. Notes. In: Wronged: The Weaponization of Victimhood. New York Chichester, West Sussex: Columbia University Press; 2024. p.141-200.

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    • sheera frenkel biography of rory gilmore