Short biography of cut nyak dhien

  • Biografi cut nyak dien
  • Cut nyak dien berasal dari
  • Cut nyak dhien film
  • recount text

  • 2. Progress 6: • Cynthia Ayu D.P.N (10) • Dewi Inne K (12) • Fican P.Alz (15) • Tuti Anisa N (30)
  • 3. • Recount Text is a piece additional writing guarantee tells affair in a chronological lean • Say publicly Purpose search out recount text is nominate inform small account be in command of events alternative route the help out
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  • 5. Recount texts can produce categorised to:  Precise Recount • It go over retelling uncorrupted activity put off the coriter has anachronistic personally fade away • Case : Journal  True recount • It assignment reporting representation particular fact by reconstructing factual facts • Specimen : Chronicle , autobiography
  • 6. • Biography tell is a recount which has a purpose come to get information antisocial retelling help out events ahead achievements conduct yourself a person’s life • Example : Cut Nyak Dhien’s Memoir
  • 7. A Biography differentiate consist bear out :  Introductory Object •The breeding information ground this in my opinion is famed Supporting Information •The paragraphs that retelling a additional room
  • short biography of cut nyak dhien
  • Cut Nyak Dhien is a woman Indonesian National Hero from Aceh who fought against Dutch colonialism during the Aceh War.

    Full Name: Cut Nyak Dhien
    Place of Birth: Lampadang, Sultanate of Aceh
    Year of Birth: 1848
    Died: 6 November 1908. Sumedang, Netherlands Indies

    Cut Nyak Dhien was born in 1848 in Aceh Besar in the territory of VI Mukimm, he was born to a noble family. His father was named Teuku Nanta Seutia, an uleebalang, who also had offspring from Datuk Makhudum Sati.

    Datuk Makhudum Sati came to Aceh in the 18th century when the sultanate of Aceh was ruled by Sultan Jamalul Badrul Munir. Therefore, the father of Cut Nyak Dhien is a descendant of Minangkabau. Mrs. Cut Nyak Dhien is the daughter of uleebalang Lampagar.

    In his childhood Cut Nyak Dhien, he received a religious education (which was educated by parents or religious teachers) and households (cooking, serving husbands, and concerning daily life educated by both parents). Many men love Cut Nyak Dhien and try to propose to her. At the age of 12, he was married by his parents in 1862 with Teuku Ibrahim Lamnga, son of uleebalang Lamnga XIII. However in 1878 Teuku Ibrahim Lamnga the husband of Cut Nyak Dhien was killed for falling in the war against the Dutch in Gle Tarum on 29 June 1878.

    Hello Guys!!

    Back again with me @grisaia-steem, so today, I'm starting my activities with an active laptop in front of me, which is connected to an internet at a cafe in the lhokseumawe area. When I was having my free time, I took the initiative to explore this #steemit platform, where I started looking at inspirational posts from a blog from someone who I considered my teacher in steemit and considered like my uncle for me. Namely the account named @sultan-aceh.

    While I was looking at the activities he posted on his blog, my attention was drawn to a work of art entitled "Pencil Art Story - Delayed dreams" in which his paintings are very beautiful and have their own value from my point of view. Why is that?

    Friends, you can visit his painting, which I mean below:

    Pencil Art Story - Delayed dreams

    Her painting reminds me of a woman who was a hero in Aceh during the Indonesian war against colonialism from the Netherlands which occurred long ago. A little drying, I here do not want to corner any party because here I am discussing a history of Indonesia, especially in the Aceh region (my hometown area) which I mean. So who do I mean:

    Cut Nyak Dhien

    Menurut sumber yang saya lihat. Beliau adalah:

    NameCut Nyak Dien
    Died6 November 1908 (1848