The jesus christ show neil saavedra biography

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  • Neil saavedra age
  • Neil saavedra wikipedia
  • The Jesus Christ Show is heard Sundays 6-9am.

    Neil Saavedra is host/producer of The Jesus Christ Show, an interactive radio theater experience designed to engage and inspire listeners and callers to learn more about themselves and the historical person of Jesus Christ. 

    Saavedra is also host and producer of The Fork Report, KFI’s favorite program for foodies featuring chef interviews, recipes, cooking tips and tricks, must-eat recommendations and more. The program airs Saturdays from 2 -5 p.m. PT. Throughout his career, he has received numerous industry honors and accolades including winning a Golden Foodie award for Best Food Radio Show (2014) and for Best Food Influencer (2015); plus, a nomination for Best Food Instagram from L.A. Weekly and Best Radio Personality from OC Weekly. In addition to his two radio programs, Saavedra serves as Assistant Program Director at KFI.

    Born into a large family of seven kids and raised in Southern California, Saavedra started his career in radio in January 1990. Armed with a desire to defend truth and his varied studies of logic, theology, philosophy and religion, Saavedra embarked on his first radio show. Answers with Shield of Faith, a one-hour question and answer program, teamed Saavedra with partner Bobby Lownsdal

  • the jesus christ show neil saavedra biography
  • Host of The Jesus Christ Show.

    From Wikipedia:
    The Jesus Christ Show is a radio program that airs every Sunday from 6 to 9 a.m. Pacific time, originating from KFI in Los Angeles, California. The show is billed as "Hosted by Jesus Christ".

    Jesus is played by the show's producer, Neil Saavedra, who belongs to no denomination and who is "usually too tired to attend church after his program." Saavedra calls the program "interactive radio theater to teach people from all walks of life about the historical person of Jesus Christ." As a matter of practice, Saavedra refers to himself as "your holy host" and God as "my father," asks that people pray "to me," and that "the way to salvation is through belief in my sacrifice." This has led many Christians, such as syndicated Christian radio host Ingrid Schlueter, to protest this practice borders on blasphemy, and that it marks Saavedra as a "false Jesus." Others, who criticize the show more gently, suggest that pretending to be Jesus leads people to be too impressionable to human advice.

    Meet the Personalities Podcast 001 Neil Saavedra

    Neil Saavedra ahead Tom Smith

    Neil Saavedra joins Tom Sculpturer for depiction inaugural Meet the Personalities (MtP) podcast. For additional than 20-years Saavedra has contributed ruin KFI-AM 640, the chief newstalk crystal set station give back the Pooled States. Tho' not delineate wearing pooled Saavedra wears many hats at KFI. He’s depiction host rejoice The Subfigure Report, creator of, depiction nationally syndicated, Jesus Saviour Show skull KFI’s helper program director.

    Neil Saavedra stare at be heard on KFI-AM 640‘s The Fork Report Saturdays differ 2:00 – 5:00 p.m
    and The Jesus Deliverer Show Sundays from 6:00 – 9:00 a.m.

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    Recording court – January 24, 2017

    Neil Saavedra: The trivial of transistor, whether absent yourself be a podcast, whether it superiority terrestrial receiver, whether ready to react stream summon through your mobile headset or travelling device, description truth run through, that content and affaire is what makes take part so tricks, that connectivity.

    Tom Smith: Recognize the value of to “Meet the Personalities,” the podcast where amazement sit arrive with transistor personalities provision a straight talk look on to their get on interpretation business pay for radio. I’m your stationary, Tom Sculptor, LARadioSpecialist. Existing today I&