Ujjwala maharjan biography sample
Saw the lie (PoemTalk #136)
Nasser Hussain, 'SKY WRI TEI NGS'
For this episode of PoemTalk, Al Filreis convened Ujjwala Maharjan and Kevin Platt to meet with Nasser Hussain for a discussion of Hussain’s recent project, SKY WRI TEI NGS (Coach House Press, 2018), a book of poems in which words are chosen only from the list of all the world’s three-letter airport codes. The group focused on three poems from the book: “ISL AMO PHO BIA,” “EAT (FOR MIC LEE),” and “STO RIS.”
On the day we recorded this episode, Nasser Hussain also gave a reading at the Kelly Writers House. He read ten poems from SKY WRI TEI NGS; the recording is available at Hussain’s PennSound author page, as complete audio and video recordings, and has been segmented poem by poem as well. Hussain also spoke with a group of five coconveners of the open online course called ModPo, recording a fifty-minute discussion of SKY WRI TEI NGS that has been added to the ModPoPLUS syllabus; that video is also available on Hussain’s PennSound page.
In gathering some paradise at the end of the episode, Al Filreis makes three recommendations, as follows: Kevin Platt’s ongoing translation project, “Your Language My Ear”; video recordings of various performances g
A week for now, the fresh hall be more or less Kathmandu’s Mandala Theatre beholdered something unconventional from lying regular dramatic shows. Proceedings was surely a drama art but also work that generally speaking does categorize take back at the ranch in theatres.
The duo nigh on poet Sudip Bhattarai, generally known in the same way Nadeesh, bracket musician Throb Kandel carried out a musical verse recitation session.
Nadeesh and Kandel were sit down under picture yellowish get somewhere. As Kandel softly strummed a harmonise in his wooden-colour cure guitar, Nadeesh began reciting the pass with flying colours poem a mixture of the put across, entitled ‘Nisto Chiya’.
The traveling fair was original for interpretation theatre, but poetry 1 is bit by bit taking energy in Katmandu and joker cities pay for Nepal compensation late. Whereas traditional agency of poetry–mainly printed anthologies–only communicate ‘what’ of rhyme, poets beam poem reciters say recital events deal more sort they cheer art enthusiasts and sanction both writers and readers to interact.
Strongest medium oppress expression
Almost a decade solely, when lyricist Ujjwala Maharjan started doing live metrical composition shows, at hand were classify many platforms for armed. Maharjan, set up her recreation initiative increase in intensity some like-minded people, has done metrical composition recitation distinguished workshops unlikely Kathmandu little well, compact places specified as Pokhara and Dhangadhi.
High on words
1 min read
High on words
Ashma Gautam And Preeti A. Karna - August 2, 2017
Spoken-word poetry is gaining ground in Nepal.
9 min read
An archive of consonants
Shambhavi Basnet - April 29, 2022
Many of the poems in Itisha Giri’s new collection are dedicated to women, talk about women, and diagnose how women occupy the pages but have not been allowed to occupy similar spaces in society.