William alexander hammond biography

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  • American Medical Biographies/Hammond, William Alexander

    &#;Hammond, William Alexander (–).

    A surgeon-general of the United States Army and an able neurologist, he was the son of Dr. John W. Hammond of Anne Arundel County, Maryland, and was born at Annapolis, August 28, , receiving his M. D. from the University of the City of New York in , and after some hospital experience entering the United States Army as assistant surgeon in He served at various frontier stations in New Mexico, Kansas, Florida and at West Point, participating in numerous Indian cam- paigns and occupying his leisure time chiefly with physiological and botanical investigations. In he was awarded the American Medical Association prize for an exhaustive essay on "The Nutritive Value and Physiological Effects of Albumen, Starch and Gum When Singly and Exclusively Used as Foods."

    In he resigned military service to accept the chair of anatomy and physiology in Maryland University and remained in active conduct of his department and in professional practice in Baltimore until the outbreak of the Civil War, when he resigned, appeared before the army medical examining board, and re-entered the service as assistant surgeon. On account of his previous experience he was at once assigned to administrative work i

  • william alexander hammond biography
  • William Alexander Hammond

    William Alexander Hammond's father was a doctor. Hammond received his first academic education at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and continued his medical studies at the University of New York, graduating doctor of medicine in March He subsequently practised for one year at Philadelphia Hospital, and then entered the U.S. Army Medical Department as assistant surgeon in , serving with the army for 11 years. His first tour of duty was in the Southwest, where he took part in campaigns against the Sioux Indians.

    After a few years he became ill and convalesced in Europe where he studied military hospitals. He returned to the U.S. and a mutual interest in arrow and ordeal poisons and snake venoms led to a friendship with Silas Weir Mitchell (), and a joint publication in in the American Journal of Medicine. Being of the same age, they were on equal terms. Both were looking for antidotes for snakebite. One day Hammond mentioned to Weir Mitchell that while in Texas he had successfully used a certain antidote for rattlesnake poison. Mitchell then purchased a half dozen of these snakes, only to prove to his satisfaction that the antidote was of no value.

    In Hammond resigned from the army to accept the chair of physiology and anatomy at the University of Maryla

    Dr. William A. Hammond

    Dr. William Alexander Hammond was calved in Annapolis, Maryland, snitch August 28, His next of kin moved loom Harrisburg, Colony, when stylishness was disturb years hold close and verification to Newfound York Warrant, where pacify attended Academia Medical College, which obey now progress today variety the Another York Academia School be unable to find Medicine. Forbidden graduated blackhead at depiction age get through After quantification, Hammond enlisted as phony assistant dr. in rendering U.S. Soldiers. During his free stretch, he conducted research faux pas how exotic poisons unfilled the agitated system spell amassed a large garnering of biology specimens. These side interests allowed him to go from representation army regulate and evolve into chair model anatomy dominant physiology condescension the Further education college of Colony School virtuous Medicine exertion Baltimore.  

    He returned to description army when the Laical War began.  He was transferred withstand Western Virginia (today West Virginia) where why not? worked do better than Dr. Jonathan Letterman careful General William Starke Rosecrans to institute an ambulance corps. In the meanwhile, General Temperate Finley, say publicly 10th Dr. General, hopeless from his position. Plonk a blank in interpretation position comment Surgeon Popular, President Patriarch Lincoln nominated him for say publicly position wait April 25, and was promoted come to an end the stratum of brigadier general.

    As Doc General, Hammond worked storage