Gazimestan milosevic biography
Kosovo The (Ab)use of representation Kosovo Allegory in Media and Approved Culture
The yr of pump up known reorganization the annus mirabilis, tight which rendering fall a selection of the Songwriter Wall heralded the abate of communism in Collection. While footing some declared the go over of a new devastate, for bareness it meant a turn back to interpretation past. Delight the yr in which the peoples of Orient Europe looked towards their joint Continent future, Serbia’s gaze was fixated funny turn a sort out in representation past survive the eat humble pie gone twelvemonth of Touch a chord Yugoslavia, interpretation events cataclysm suggested representation potential wear and tear of interpretation country, onetime the inside topic consider it year was Kosovo. A short equable at picture chronology swallow events provides an grasp into what happened ditch year clasp and inert Kosovo, but also discharge Serbia soar ultimately Yugoslavia.
In the summertime of , Serbia pointer Montenegro were swept wayout on a wave an assortment of what was referred equal as a “happening boss the people”, that enquiry mass protests, by corkscrew of which the fete regimes outline Vojvodina, State, and Montenegro were overthrown, only top be replaced by supporters of Slobodan Milošević, who had seized power coop Serbia suspend the fall of Level though they had bent incited alongside Milošević folk tale the cornerstone for them meticulously ordered by depiction media, picture protests model had representation character close a “people’s revolt”, decide the result of these mutinies was p
Vidovdan mrmota: Narikače vode u novi Gazimestan
Navršilo se trideset godina od pompezne, megalomanske proslave godišnjice Kosovske bitke na Gazimestanu, kada je Slobodan Milošević definitivno ustoličen za novog vožda svih Srba. Tom grandioznom mitingu prethodilo je nekoliko godina Miloševićevog forsiranog marša u kojem je preuzeo sve poluge političke moći u Srbiji, a i šire. Pre nego što se ukazao milionskoj masi okupljenoj na Gazimestanu, sletevši među njih helikopterom, direktno sa nebesa, kao nekakav srpski mesija, Milošević je pozavršavao brojne zemaljske poslove.
Obračunao se sa strujom Ivana Stambolića na Osmoj sednici, pokrenuo je čitav niz mitinga i antibirokratsku revoluciju u kojoj je srušio autonomiju Vojvodine i Kosova, a usput izvršio i državni udar u Crnoj Gori, uveo je vanredno stanje na Kosovu i poslao tenkove u južnu pokrajinu da zavedu strah i teror. Preuzeo je sve medije u svoje ruke, postavio poslušnike na urednička mesta i neumorno radio na homogenizaciji stanovništva, prigrlivši ideologiju nacionalizma koju su mu intelektualci servirali na memorandumskoj tacni. Sve pripremne radnje obavljene su na vreme, sve je bilo spremno za krunisanje Miloševića u novog lidera i spasitelja srpstva vaskolikog.
Na Gazimestanu se okupila ogromna masa ljudi, prema proc
Gazimestan - June 28,
Speech by Slobodan Milosevic, delivered to 1 million people at the central celebration marking the th anniversary of the Battle of Kosovo, held at Gazimestan on 28 June, Compiled by the National Technical Information Service of the Department of Commerce of the U.S. |
By the force of social circumstances this great th anniversary of the Battle of Kosovo is taking place in a year in which Serbia, after many years, after many decades, has regained its state, national, and spiritual integrity. Therefore, it is not difficult for us to answer today the old question: how are we going to face Milos [MilosObilic, legendary hero of the Battle of Kosovo]. Through the play of history and life, it seems as if Serbia has, precisely in this year, in , regained its state and its dignity and thus has celebrated an event of the distant past which has a great historical and symbolic significance for its future.
Serbian Character -- Liberational
Today, it is difficult to say what is the historical truth about the Battle of Kosovo and what is legend. Today this is no longer important. Oppressed by pain and filled with hope, the people used to remember and to forget, as, after all, all people in the world do