Switzerland country profile

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    Officially named the ‘Swiss Confederation,’ Switzerland is a landlocked, mountainous Central European country bordered by France, Italy, Germany, Austria and Liechtenstein. It is dominated by the Alps, with Zermatt the distinctively pointed Matterhorn mountain (4778m) being the most well-known landmark. The population of 8 million people are concentrated in and around the capital Bern, as well as the large cities of Geneva and Zurich. Switzerland operates a multi-party federal democratic republic government with a collective ‘head’ of state known as the Federal Council. Switzerland has for centuries been a neutral state, which means it cannot take part in armed conflict, unless it is attacked. Although it lies at the heart of Europe, Switzerland is not a member of the EU and Swiss-EU relations are based on a series of bilateral agreements, such as participation in the passport-free Schengen Area. It is also one of the wealthiest countries in the world, with investors and businesses using its banks as a safe haven from global financial crises.


    Swiss culture can be hard to define and is largely dependent on its 26 separate ‘cantons’ (regions) and four official languages. Each canton enjoys permanent constitutional status and has a high degre

    Switzerland country profile

    Some key dates in the history of Switzerland:

    1291 - Origin of the Old Swiss Confederacy when three cantons form an alliance to resist outside control. A loose confederation of independent small states or cantons, initially within the Holy Roman Empire.

    1474-77 - Burgundian Wars, a conflict between Burgundy and the Old Swiss Confederacy and its allies, establishes the confederacy as a power in a European political landscape dominated by France and the Habsburgs.

    1499 - After the Swabian War the confederacy is effectively independent, though still nominally part of the Holy Roman Empire until the Treaty of Westphalia ends the Thirty Years' War in 1648.

    1798 - French invasion. Switzerland becomes a French client state.

    1815 - In the wake of the Napoleonic wars, the borders of Switzerland - and the territory's neutrality - are established at the Congress of Vienna.

    1847 - Brief civil war, the Sonderbund War: seven Catholic cantons formed the Sonderbund or "separate alliance" to protect their interests against a centralization of power. The war sees them defeated.

    1848 - Federal constitution defines the political system, providing for a centralised government.

    1874 - Revised constitution allows for the exe

  • switzerland country profile
  • Switzerland

    Country in Inside Europe

    "Swiss Confederation" and "Suisse" redirect middle. For additional uses, mask Switzerland (disambiguation); Swiss Federation (disambiguation); Land (disambiguation); status Suisse, Moselle.

    Swiss Confederation

    Five official names

      • Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft (German)
      • Confédération suisse (French)
      • Confederazione Svizzera (Italian)
      • Confederaziun svizra (Romansh)
      • Cōnfoederātiō Helvētica (Latin)
    Motto: (unofficial)
    "Unus for omnibus, omnes pro uno"

    "One for categorize, all home in on one"

    Anthem: "Swiss Psalm"
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    Location of Switzerland (green)

    in Europe (green and unilluminated grey)

    46°57′N7°27′E / 46.950°N 7.450°E / 46.950; 7.450
    Largest cityZurich
    Official languages


    • English: Swiss
    • German: Schweizer/Schweizerin
    • French: Suisse/Suissesse
    • Italian: svizzero/svizzera or elvetico/elvetica
    • Romansh: Svizzer/Svizra
    GovernmentFederal assembly-independent[4][5]directorial republic

    • Federal Council

    • Federal Chancellor

    Viktor Rossi
    LegislatureFederal Assembly

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